martes, 2 de abril de 2019

Solution of complex problems in the company. Lessons from nature

Solution of complex problems in the company. Lessons from nature

Mother Nature has answers for everything. You just have to know how to ask, how to listen and be humble. Never, in any place, under any circumstance, will man be superior to nature.
An example to illustrate. The plants that man uses for food are attacked by different pests. The aphid or aphid is an insect that causes damage to plants by absorbing and infecting viruses, which weaken and severely damage these plants. Insecticides, lethal for aphids and other harmful insects, have side effects that affect beneficial species and even humans. There are abundant studies and reports on this subject.

When the natural principles are understood, the most appropriate is used. The crisópidos (beneficial insects) eliminate only aphids (terrible plague), never kill humans. Chrysopids, predators of aphids, do not damage plants and do not attack man. Nature, to maintain balance, creates protective species that regulate and control harmful species, at all levels of life. If aphids are not controlled, the plants eventually disappear; only mushrooms, batteries and viruses would be present.

Integrated Pest Management or IPM (promotion of biodiversity in trees, use of physical means of control, application of biological products, minimization of the use of authorized phytosanitary products) has allowed the control of pests without negative side effects in the environment. The biological fight is the best alternative, by reducing the contamination of phytosanitary chemicals.

In the company, when you need to create systems, processes, algorithms, to solve common problems in the company, you use solutions, total, developed or created in the company or purchased from third parties. Suppose you need to develop a computer system to control and minimize total costs, with an emphasis on the production area. Many times correct the problem (kill aphids, control production costs) but collateral effects (errors, contradictions, inconsistencies) appear in other areas, which prevents decisions with reliable information on total issues.

A custom software project is the "ideal solution" for the requirements of a company; it can be developed with own resources or compared. In many cases in the market there is no standard software that is adequate to the needs of the users, there are inefficiencies in the processes and errors or limitations in the work of the employees. It is usual that the information is distributed in different places and with different formats, which prevents a clear and quick vision of the situation and evolution of the company. The development of a customized software allows to satisfy the present needs, to foresee the future ones, to serve all the profiles of the company (managers, administrators, salesmen, etc.)

System engineers or programmers know and use the resources to create good algorithms and efficient programs, but they usually do not know the details and subtleties of all the operations in the company. There is no programmer that can know the totality of processes, and, therefore, can not create perfectly linked and integrated modules. In general, each area is assigned to a programmer, then all of them integrate the developed parts. The biases, errors, incorrect interpretations of some of them affect the total system. In the tests it may seem all right, but in the real operations the inconsistencies arise.

It is not necessary to create a system from scratch, modules that have a solid and totally reliable performance in one area of ​​the company, can be used as a model for others. If there are good tools, you have to use them. If nature shows us the solution, we must accept it. Innovation does not necessarily rely on new activities; existing elements can be used among which there are relationships that improve joint performance.


Áfidos - Plagas y Enfermedades


Insectos Beneficiosos: Crisopas Verdes

